Demkhong : Jampeling
No of beds :150
No. of Doctors
Male : 19
Female : 19
No. of Clinical staff
Male :138
Female :140
No. of Non-Clinical staff
Male :80
Female :71
Services Provided
Medical, Surgical, Orthopedic, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Pediatric, Dental, ENT, Audiology, Psychiatry, Traditional Medicine, Nursing Services, Operation Theater, RHU/CHU, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Diagnostic Services ( Laboratory, X-Ray, Ultrasound and Malaria, Lab, Endoscopy, Echocardiography), NCD Clinic, Adolescents Friendly Health Service, Electrocardiography, Minot OT, CSSD, Dialysis, in-patient Department(IPD), and Emergency/Casualty.
Other Services
Bio Medical Engineering Services(BES), Medical Records, Laundry, Ambulance, Medical Store, General Store, In-patient Diet, Off Hour Clinic, and Patient Care Support.
Out Reached Services
1. Dental, Eye and ENT
2. RHU
3. Traditional Medicine
Contact details
Name : Dr. Cheda Gyeltshen
Designation : Medical Superintendent
Note: Information as of 25/10/2022