Notification Period:
07 September 2020
30 September 2020

This is to inform all the general public of Sarpang Dzongkhag to strictly follow the proper zoning guidelines developed until further notice from the office of the Incident commander.

To start with unlocking phases of the Lock Down like in other Dzongkhags, it will totally depend on the behaviors and cooperation of the general public. Therefore, all the general public are informed to strictly adhere to following preventive measures all the time:

  1. Mandatory use of face mask all the time.
  2. Wash hand frequently using soap
  3. Must maintain physical distance of 1 meter while you are outdoors.
  4. Gathering is not allowed.
  5. Stay at home unless you have got some important and urgent works to go out. Must strictly follow all the preventive measures while going out.
  6. Must strictly follow the instructions from relevant authorities.