Provide free access to basic public health as per the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan;
Ensure provision of quality health services with accessibility and equitability;
Execute sectorial policies, priorities and strategies in coordination with Ministry of Health;
Draw up annual plans and budget for Dzongkhag Health Sector in line with the existing procedures of the Dzongkhag;
Monitor and evaluate programs and projects;
Provide supervision and guidance to health staff;
Submit report to Ministry of Health and other sector;
Coordinates and collaborates with other sector;
Coordinate all health activities between Hospitals and PHCs within the Dzongkhag and co-relate with nearby Dzongkhag;
Coordinate all programs and projects of health sector in the Dzongkhag;
Propose projects and activities for Dzongkhag Health Services within the mandate of the sector;
Monitor the performance of Dzongkhag health staff and take corrective actions or disciplinary actions;
coordinate the implementation of centrally operated health activities within the Dzongkhag;
Represent Health sector in meetings, conventions, DT and other local bodies.
No. of staff : 02
Male : 01
Female : 01
No. of hospital : 02
No. of PHC. : 10
Outreach Clinic : 10
Sub-Post : 01
Village health workers. : 62
No. of functional RWSS : 192
Health Facilities and Staff Details
Note: Information as of 06/09/2024