The 3rd day of Sarpang annual Tshechu were graced by Her Majesty the Gyalyum Azhi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck on 5th January 2020 with introduction three Drakpoi Paduel Kucham namely, Pawa Magla Joenpai cham(The Heroes going to war), Pawo Mag Cham(The Heroes Battle Dance) and Pawo Yuellay Gyalwai Cham (The Victory Dance of the Heroes). Most people believe that Tshechu is time to socialize, entertain and receive blessing to wash away the sins. More than 1000 people including the government officials and public under Sarpang Dzongkhag came to receive blessing and witness various mask dances and cultural programs performed during the Tshechu. The Sarpang Tshechu is performed annually from date 8 till 10 of 11 month of Bhutanese calendar. The Tshechu ended with Zhudrel Phuensum Tshogpa and Tashi Moenlam.